
  • Halo 2 Pc For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 25. 06:19
    Halo 2 Pc For Mac

    2033d ago I think i stated my disposition wrong. I am all for gaming on mac's, i have a macbook pro and loved playing tf2 on it. My problem is the halo 2 game they ported to windows was more or less a failure. It had a different game speed and different mechanical approach than the Xbox version which stole my heart during that generation as the tops fps i would play. I don't like how they would try to report a port that is very far from optimized on the pc version to a most likely further dumb'd down (hopefully not) version just for money. Also #morganfell, My 'why' was intended to be hysterical not actually a question.

    In the end i really don't care what happens but it's hard for me ( as i have a degree in Game design and 3d simulation) to watch one of bungie's creative dreams that was brought to life be 're-imagined' for pure profit. 2034d ago Wait the hell up, I am not even talking about consoles at all. I am just saying Xbox games which is owned by Microsoft, to come over to PC which is about 80% Microsoft, not actual numbers, just saying not that many people exclusively use Linux and other OSs - notice I said PC and not MAC so you Apple fags don't get your titties in a twister.

    Xbox exclusives should definitely make their way to PC, I do not see why not. Remedy released Alan Wake on PC and it was successful, Dark Souls, and a few other games have been released on PC.

    Halo 2 Pc For Mac Download

    Apr 27, 2011 - The three Marathon titles were the best games on the Mac in the 1990s (though some were also ported to the PC), shooters that added a ton of.

    I do not care about the other consoles, I just want to see more games on PC. Not flaming at all, don't know why people are even disagreeing.


    VERY TRUE!!!!!!!, but my concern is why did they put it on the PC any? quotebPosted by:/b frozen demon ok so does anyone else think bungie totally screwed up by making the game only for vista? Like i dont know if itll sell that well cause people wont just buy vista for the game and i dont know if most people will have it so. Does any one else smell marketing?/quote Bungie didn't decide on what operating system it's being made for nor are they the ones making it. You're thinking Microsoft. And just for reference Bungie is bnot/b Microsoft.

    Edited on 4/19/2006. Yes it will, its like dual running 2 different versions of windows only this time, you are running a mac and windows. There are reviews that macs will be able to run all windows based games.

    BUNGIE IS OWNED BY MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course they are going to say this, they dont want ppl to switch to apple.

    Its like walmart putting their products in K-mart, but still saying that their products are better and cheaper. Anyone believing that you cannot and will not be able to run halo on a mac is like you rooting for the house in blackjack.

    Halo 2 Pc For Mac
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